If you feel like you have to avoid shopping agents, I feel like I have to warn you, you have no protections and might get scammed.
None the less, here's the answer: direct shipping from (trusted) sellers or taobao direct.
added: 6/26/2023
If you feel like you have to avoid shopping agents, I feel like I have to warn you, you have no protections and might get scammed.
None the less, here's the answer: direct shipping from (trusted) sellers or taobao direct.
added: 6/26/2023
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Advertisement transparency: All shopping agent (cssbuy.com, pandabuy.com, sugargoo.com, superbuy.com or wegobuy.com) links are affiliate links for agents. The links may embedded in images. *-tagged links are affiliate links too. We do not get a commission for the sale of the item, only for their function as a freight forwarder.
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