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A Bot to Answer All Your Questions about Taobao, Weidian and Shopping from China

Why do you think it's not necessary to have a Taobao account?

Taobao has been requiring you to be logged in for a while now, if not you will be redirected to the login page. This makes it appear like you need a Taobao account. Many people can't make a Taobao account.

Luckily, you can do almost everything without a Taobao account (I would go as far as saying you don't need one):

  1. View products: The NoWeidianSSO chrome extension promises to block the redirects.
  2. View products (2): You can use an agent as a proxy to view links. With the RepArchive Browser Extension you can safely convert all links to links to your agent
  3. View stores: Pandabuy allows you to open store links. You also need a Pandabuy account, but that one is easy to make (here for instance).

Is there anything you still can't use with these tips?

added: 6/26/2023

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Why do I not need to register on Taobao?
Why do you think that I don't need a Taobao account?
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