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A Bot to Answer All Your Questions about Taobao, Weidian and Shopping from China

Why do you think it's not necessary to have a Weidian account?

Weidian started to redirect to the login page. This makes it appear like you need to make a Weidian account.

However, let me tell you that you can do almost everything without a Weidian account, with the help of a few tools:

  1. View products: There's a Chrome extension (NoWeidianSSO) that blocks the redirect to the login page.
  2. View products (2): I assume you know that you can use an agent as a proxy to view products and don't want to for some reason, if I'm mistaken you can use the RepArchive Browser Extension to safely redirect to an agent.
  3. View stores: You don't need to be signed in to visit stores via direct link. So our Weidian Seller List is safe to browse. However, when you click an item you will be redirected (see #1 / #2)
  4. Search: You can't even search with an account, but you can search with RepArchive: Weidian Search Engine. Works on mobile too.

Since there is no direct shipping on Weidian, these are all the essential features, now usable without an account. This is important because it has gotten increasingly hard to even make a Weidian account.

added: 6/26/2023

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